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地学讲座-Two faces of Arctic and Antarctic climate change and their linkages with lower latitudes
发布时间: 2016-06-01  

主题:Two faces of Arctic and Antarctic climate change and their linkages with lower latitudes



主讲人:Seong-Joong Kim研究员


Seong-Joong Kim,男,韩国极地研究所极地气候研究部的首席科学家。1998年在美国得克萨斯农工大学获得物理海洋学博士学位。研究领域为南、北极气候变化及其影响,以第一或通讯作者在《Science》等SCI检索期刊上发表论文50余篇。



Since industrialization, globally averaged surface temperature has risen by about 0.8 degree that is unprecedented for the past millennium. Moreover, the rate of warming is about 2-3 times larger in the Arctic that is referred to as Arctic Amplification. In contrast to this marked Arctic warming, there have been severe cold surges over Eurasia and North America, that resulted in a huge socio-economic damage. Though it is still highly controversial, many studies have shown that such cold air outbreaks in mid-latitude winter have occurred more commonly when the Arctic sea ice cover is lower than normal in late autumn, indicating a possible linkage between Arctic warming and mid-latitude cold surges. Different from the Arctic, in Antarctica surface temperature change shows opposite patterns in east and west. In west Antarctica, a marked warming occurred, whereas in east Antarctica a slight cooling has occurred. In consistent with this temperature change, a substantial melting of sea ice and ice sheet has occurred in the west, but its increase occurred in the east. In some seasons, the increasing SAM phase in recent decade associated with stratosphere ozone reduction illustrated the west-east pattern, but it remains unclear yet. Especially, the west Antarctica is strongly influenced by sea surface temperature variability in the equatorial Pacific. In this presentation, such a different warming pattern in both poles and their possible connection to lower latitudes will be discussed.




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