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地学讲座-Global change biology across space and time
发布时间: 2016-07-01  

主题:Global change biology across space and time





美国莱斯大学 Kai Zhu 博士



Dr. Kai Zhu is currently a Huxley Faculty Fellow (Lecturer) at Rice University, and will soon be an Assistant Professor at University of Texas, Arlington. He completed his postdoc from Stanford University, and received his PhD in ecology and MS in statistics from Duke University. Dr. Zhu is a global ecologist and data scientist, interested in global change biology and biostatistics. His research centers on the intersection of climate change, biodiversity, and ecosystem, by merging observations, experiments, and models to inform new knowledge. His current study systems include forest, grassland, and human disease.



Global change biology studies interactions between environmental change and biological systems, concerns a range of scales of biological responses and feedbacks, and often involves big data and big models. In this talk, I discuss two examples of global change biology research. The spatial analysis of eastern US forests suggests that trees migrate much slower than expected, lagging behind rapid climate change. The temporal analysis of a California grassland experiment suggests that grassland production has non-linear responses to climate and is limited by resources. Understanding spatial-temporal dimensions of global change is critical in the context of sustainable development and environmental stewardship.




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