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地学讲座-Mapping and quantifying cultural ecosystem services using Social Media
发布时间: 2016-10-25  

主题:Mapping and quantifying cultural ecosystem services using Social Media 



主讲人:美国北卡罗莱纳州立大学 Derek Van Berkel 博士



Dr. Derek Van Berkel is apostdoctoral researcher investigating geospatial solutions to sustainabilitychallenges, with a focus on modeling feedbacks between land-use change and theprovision of ecosystem services in rapidly urbanizing regions of the U.S. Thiswill specifically include modeling dynamic interactions between forest diseasespread, wildfire, and land management to understand how interacting disturbancesmediate trajectories of environmental change, such as impacts to forestbiodiversity and/or carbon dynamics.



Over the past decade much effort has been placed on mapping and quantification of ecosystem services for articulating the societal benefits derived from ecosystem processes. Particularly hard fought in this work has been conveying the significance of cultural ecosystem services (CES). We present a method for mapping and quantification of CES that leverages social media (Instagram, Flickr and Panoramio) and web content. Through spatial analysis of volunteered locations and content we are able to map landscape characteristics associated with outdoor recreation and enjoyment for the European Union and US. Mining web content, and social media data offers a highly efficient way for repeated estimates of the value of CES that has yet to be achieved in current methodologies for ecosystem service evaluation.




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