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地学讲座-What’s the quality of your model? A review of current calibration and validation approaches in land-use modelling
发布时间: 2016-10-26  

主题:What’s the quality of your model? A review of current calibration and validation approaches in land-use modelling



主讲人荷兰阿姆斯特丹自由大学 Jasper van Vliet 博士



Dr. Jasper van Vliet is an assistant professor in land-use science at VU University Amsterdam. In his research he combines multiple different methods, including local case studies, systematic reviews, spatial analysis and land-use modelling to better understand the processes that drive ongoing land-use change. This work includes both rural and urban land use changes and addresses processes across the world, including China and Southeast Asia.



Land-use modelling has developed considerably since their introduction in geographical sciences a few decades ago. This development is partly fueled by an increased availability of computational power, partly by an increased availability of spatial data, and partly by increased attention of the importance of land use change in the context of sustainable development. However, these development in land-use modelling have not been met by the developments in model validation. As a consequence, a wide range of calibration and validation methods has been used, while it is not necessarily clear whether they are relevant to assess land-use model applications. This presentation will draw on a recent review of these methods (van Vliet et al., 2016), and also draw on other recent developments in land-use modeling.



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