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地学讲座-Simulating future changes to intensity, multifunctionality and diversity of land systems taking into account water limitation
发布时间: 2016-10-31  

主题:Simulating future changes to intensity, multifunctionality and diversity of land systems taking into account water limitation



主讲人:荷兰阿姆斯特丹自由大学Ziga Malek博士


Dr. Ziga Malek is a postdoctoral researcher at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam investigating future changes to land systems. Specifically, his interests range from spatial analysis and modeling carried out using remote sensing, GIS and environmental simulation, to identifying driving forces of environmental change and participatory modelling. He is interested in regions in socio-economic transition and areas particularly vulnerable to environmental changes, such as mountainous and Mediterranean regions.



Understanding and exploring future land use change in strongly heterogeneous regions with complex land use systems and limited resources (such as water) is a major challenge for land use science. An example of such a region is the Mediterranean. To investigate different aspects of anticipated global change, we simulate changes to Mediterranean cropland, forest, grazing, urban and agro-silvo-pastoral mosaic systems using the CLUMondo model. With the model, we can spatially allocate future changes to land systems, taking into account their management intensity and potential to fulfill our demands for different ecosystem services. Furthermore, to model future change in a region with severe water scarcity, we implemented an option to limit water extraction. This way, the model can be used to model future agricultural production taking into account water limitations in other similar regions in the world. Moreover, other resources can be limited as well, improving the ability of spatially explicit land system modeling to assist decision making.



主题: People and their land. Understanding farmer’s decision making to improve land system models



主讲人:荷兰阿姆斯特丹自由大学Christine Ornetsmüller


MSc. Christine Ornetsmüller is a PhD student and researcher at the VU University Amsterdam. She works on new ways to advance the representation of the human aspects in land change assessments. In particular, she studies Land System change in the Lao PDR with top-down and bottom-up approaches.



In Southeast Asia, rapid expansion of boom crops, like hybrid maize, rubber, oil palm or banana, has brought about major shifts in land systems with tremendous

environmental and socio-economic impacts such as deforestation, soil degradation and indebtedness. Why do individual farmers and whole villages engage in and keep

on pursuing such farming strategy despite the potential adverse effects on their land and livelihoods? In this talk, you will hear how Christine and her colleagues investigated this question in the context of extremely rapid land use changes in the northern uplands of Lao PDR. The new empirical approach she will present involves participatory methods and games on multiple spatial and temporal scales.




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