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减灾院名家讲座系列——Telecoupled vulnerabilities in food and land systems: modeling the cascading effects of breadbasket failure
发布时间: 2018-04-09  

    目:Telecoupled vulnerabilities in food and land systems: modeling the cascading effects of breadbasket failure

Dr. John Patrick Connors, and Prof. Bruce Anderson

杨赛霓 教授




     John Patrick Casellas Connors is a post-doctoral associate at the Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future and a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Earth & Environment. He is a geographer specializing in the study of social-ecological systems, focused primarily on issues of food system sustainability and processes of land cover change.His research has examined an array of issues related to land use and land cover change. Most recently, he has worked in Tanzanias Kilombero Valley to understand the politics of agricultural development and the role of crop diversity in supporting the livelihoods of smallholder farmers. He has also worked on projects to understand the potential of urban agriculture for supporting the well-being of growing populations in the cities of sub-Saharan Africa.


   Bruce T. Anderson is a professor and Associate chair in the Department of Earth and Environment at Boston University. Prof. Anderson actively works with the public sector on issues related to climate variability, including serving as a Research Consultant for the Union of Concerned Scientist's Northeast Climate Impacts Assessment (NECIA) project, an expert advisor for the Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment for Cambridge, MA, and a contributing author for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 5th Assessment Report. He was one of the inaugural Grantham Institute for Climate Change Visiting Fellows at Imperial College for Science, Technology and Medicine and has also been a Royal Society Visiting Scientist, National Research Council Fellow and a NOAA Visiting Scientist Fellow. Prof. Anderson has over 50 peer-reviewed articles published or in press and has been the invited speaker at both national and international universities, conferences, and workshops. Prof. Anderson is also the lead author (with Prof. Alan Strahler/BU) of an introductory undergraduate textbook on Weather and Climate, published jointly by John Wiley & Sons and the National Geographic Society (2008). His research interests include regional impacts of climate variability; large-scale and regional atmospheric dynamics and hydrology; historic and future climate trends within observations and climate-simulation models; coupled ocean-atmosphere modes of variability; and climate/vegetation interactions and feedbacks.

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