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学术讲座:Natural hazards and societies’ vulnerability –the example of the Carib
发布时间: 2013-09-04  
主题:Natural hazards and societies vulnerability the example of the Caribbean area(自然致灾因子和社会脆弱性研究--以加勒比海地区为例)
法国巴黎第四大学地理系  教授
Gérard-François DUMONT   博士
法国巴黎第四大学地理系  教授Gérard-François DUMONT, 1948年生于法国,1970年获经济学学士学位,1973年获经济学博士学位;1988年开始任教于法国巴黎第四大学地理系。主要研究兴趣为人口统计和地缘政治。发表论文多篇,出版专著多部,担任Population et avenir(人口与未来)主编,同时担任多种杂志编委
The Caribbean area is prone to strong climate hazards such as storms and hurricanes. How do these densely-populated territories cope with risk? Does demographic growth worsen the impact of natural disasters? In spite of comparable hazard levels, the impacts of these phenomena are quite different depending on the characteristics of the affected society. This analysis therefore compares the impacts of three different disasters that affected three different territories, namely Jeanne storm in Haiti (September 2004), hurricane Wilma in Florida (US, October 2005) and hurricane Katrina in Louisiana (US, August-September 2005).
As a relatively moderate hazard had a very severe impact on a poor nation such as Haiti, which population is not well-prepared to face risk and which government is in disarray when a much stronger hazard had very limited impact on Florida, we clearly see how important societies vulnerability is. Even within a same country, particularly when it has decentralized organization such as the United States of America, population and governments response to hazards greatly vary, leading to very different impacts. The organization of society and governance therefore appear as major issues to understand how hazards affect a territory.

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