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学科前沿讲座-Urbanization, Urban Environment, and Sustainability Transition
发布时间: 2014-06-09  

主题:Urbanization, Urban Environment, and Sustainability Transition





澳大利亚国立大学  教授

白雪梅 博士



白雪梅博士,1988年获北京大学学士学位,19901993年分别获东京大学硕士和博士学位,现任澳大利亚国立大学芬纳环境与社会学院城市环境与人类生态学教授。同时担任Future Earth科学委员会委员、IHDP科学委员会副主席等职务。研究领域包括城市化与全球环境变化,景观城市化与经济增长,城市系统功能与代谢,亚洲城市环境管理,城市系统创新,城市与区域可持续发展等。在NatureScience等杂志及专著发表论文100余篇。



    Humanity has passed the threshold where more than half of its population lives in cities. As a region, Asia has the world’s largest urban population, a majority of its megacities, and is experiencing some of its fastest urban growth rates. China has recently released a new urbanization strategy, which aims to achieve 60% urbanization ratio by 2020. Rapid urbanization presents great challenges in terms of the demand for resources, environmental impact and the management of growing cities. It also presents opportunities as cities are at the centre of economic growth and innovation. Cities in Asia provide a living laboratory to deepen our scientific understanding of cities as a human-dominant, complex system under rapid change, and of the opportunity that exists to positively influence the trajectories of urban growth towards sustainability.

Drawing on some of her recent works, and with a particular focus in China and Asia, this talk will explore the followings:

·         Drivers and impacts of urbanization

·         Environment/resource performance and dynamics of urban systems

·         Emerging patterns and pathways and the role of innovative, sustainable urban practices in Asia

·         Future of urban research


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